Friday, October 31, 2008

Change for the sake of the children

When I say "Change" I'm not talking about which Presidential candidate would be best suited or not for the job. I'm talking about change within our homes to teach our children about how to create their futures. Ronald Reagan said, "All great change starts at the dinner table." How true that could be if we would embrace it. If we all sat down each night with our families and turned off the TVs and really asked our children and husbands about their day, imagine how much we would learn. Imagine how much they would learn about us.

When I grew up, we ate every meal together. After the table was cleared, we'd bring out some dominoes or cards and play a game together. Occasionally we would invite one of the older ladies from the neighborhood to join us. As a teen I found that this wasn't commonplace. My friends never did this. I, however, got to really know my parents. I got to know the sweet widow down the street. I learned how they play a game, how they approach teamwork and I learned about their views on life. It introduced me to a higher comfort with the elderly. I learned that just because they are older doesn't mean they aren't useful. They have a lifetime of knowledge they would love to share.

I want to encourage you to spend that extra time with your family as well. If you can't get together every night, just try to do it a couple of times a week. Make the extra time for discussion. Learn about your children and maybe more importantly let them learn about you.
You can take this time to really make a 'change' for the better.

I ask you all to take time this weekend to join your family around the table and pray for our nation. Pray for our leaders and most of all for the leaders this election will provide. Ask for God's direction for our country and for our lives. God Bless!

Halloween Party Pictures

(Pic. 1 )The kids were going for the loot out of the pinata (Pic. 2) Evan, Lia and Jake were getting ready to go pumpkin bowling. (Pic. 3) All the little goblins that would sit still for a picture.

Winter's almost here

Snow in October!! The weather man has lost his mind!! Of course it was only a flake or two, but that is two more than I'm mentally ready to handle.

The winter always brings to mind snuggles on the couch with my sweet kids and a cup of hot chocolate . Then when those five minutes have passed and reality sets in I'm in real trouble. Knowing that the snow is inevitable I'm trying to prepare myself now with fun outings for the kids at least once a month. Since money is tight, I'm trying to do these outings on a budget. So far I've come up with a day at Pump It Up...that's about $10 since kids under 2 are free. Chuck E. Cheese is always a crowd pleaser and with the coupons from the website we can do lunch and games for under $15. I feel like that pushes the budget a bit, but I'm willing to skimp on other things for my sanity. I can only stay outside making snowmen for so long.

What do you do and where do you go to keep the kids busy? I want to find places where they can exercise while I keep my sanity and prevent cabin fever. HELP!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall Family Activities

Halloween Fun in the Community--(all events are free unless otherwise noted)

**Wiegand’s Pumpkin Walk ($5)-- Wiegans Nursery-- Oct. 22 -- 6:30-8 p.m.
Romeo Plank, Macomb Twp.

**Healthy Halloween Harvest-- Partridge Creek Mall-- Oct. 25--
9 a.m.-1

**Trunk or Treat (cost of food) -- Fellowship Chapel -- Oct. 25-- 4-6 p.m.
Sterling Heights

**Fall Harvest Party -- Fisherman’s Net Church-- Oct. 25-- 6-9 p.m. Cass Ave., Utica

**Trunk ‘n’ Treat-- Bethesda Christian Church-- Oct. 26 -- 2-5 p.m. (16/Schoenherr)

**Halloween in the Park-- Veterans Memorial Park-- Oct. 26 -- 3-7 p.m.
St. Clair Shores (Masonic/Jefferson)

**Trunk or Treat-- The Shores Church-- Oct. 26 -- 4-7 p.m. St. Clair Shores (

**Trunk or Treat -- Woodside Bible Church -- Oct. 29-- 6:30-8 p.m.
Warren Campus (696/Hoover)

**Fall Festival -- Bethany Baptist Church-- Oct. 31 -- 6-8 p.m.
15/Groesbeck, Clinton Twp.

Halloween Activities

It seems there are tons of local things to do with your kids during the Halloween and Fall season. What are your favorites? Do you have a Trunk or Treat or Pumpkin Walk you like to do with your kids? Do you know of any that are coming up that you would like to share? If so, let me know so we can pass on the fun to other moms!!

Bethany Baptist will be having their annual Fall Festival from 6-8 p.m. on Oct. 31st. It's all free!! The fun includes 3 floors of games, food and even a bouncy house.

Woodside Bible in Warren and Fellowship Chapel in Sterling Heights both have a Trunk or Treat. Check their websites for more info.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Holiday craft ideas

Do any of you do holiday crafts with your children? If so, what do you do and what crafts do you like best?

We haven't done any before, but this year I think I'll buy some pre-made ornaments and have our daughter paint them to give as gifts to family. I also considered making candy canes out of pipe cleaners and pony beads.

If you have any fantastic ideas for preschool holiday crafts, I would love to hear them!